About the performer
Quan Yuan

The acclaimed Chinese artist Quan Yuan started playing the violin at the age of four. He first studied at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, i. e. at the Chinese National Academy of Music and subsequently in the USA(at the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia and at the New England Conservatory of Music).

He was taught by prominent pedagogues,Wei Qiao and Joseph Silverstein. He has beenan honorary participant of important musical events such as the International Music Festival in Cleveland and Canadian Morningside Music Bridge. Besides, he has led the Serbian International ProdigyOrchestra. He is the music director of the Universal Artists Festival event.

He was a jury member of the prestigious Golden Beijing Violin Competition. He has won many competitions in China, the USA and Denmark. He won the China International Young Artist Competition and Delaware Symphony Orchestra Young Artist Competition in 2006.Besides achieving cooperation with numerous leading orchestras, he has performed in prestigious world’s concert halls (Carnegie Hall, Beijing Concert Hall, the Library of Congress, etc). The New York Times and the Boston Globe news media stated that Mr. Yuan had made recordings for over 80 sound carriers.

His latest project has been announced by Toccata British Independent Classical Music House and it encompasses the works for violin and piano by the authors from the Tcherepnin family. Yuan is currently a concertmaster of the Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra in China and a permanent member of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra in New York.

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