About the performer
Jelena Horvat

Jelena Horvat was born into a family of professional musicians. She started playing the violin at the age of six.

She first studied at the School for Musical Talents in Ćuprija in the class of Dragutin Mladenović and continued her musicjourney as a scholarship holder of the Yehudi Menuhin School in London under Nataša Bojarski and Lutsia Ibragimova. As of 2022, she attends undergraduate studies at the Royal College of Music as a Rose Williamsscholarship holder in the class of Radu Blidar. She is supported by the following foundations: Good Voice, Albert Cooper Trust, Hattori and Drake Calleja Trust.

She has performed as a soloist, chamber and orchestra musician in the country and abroad. In addition, she has participated in numerous festivals and summer academies (the Gstaad Menuhin Festival, Carl Flesch and the Colluvio Chamber Music Academy). She has attended master classes under A. Ibragimova, K. Blahera, R. Simović, R. Levin, M. Vengerov, etc. In 2019, she performed Bach's Double Violin Concerto on the ESYO Tour in Italy. Her recent performance with the orchestra includes the Sibelius' Violin Concerto with the Eastbourne Symphony Orchestra. She has received numerous awards at important international competitions such as Petar Konjović (Serbia), Kocijan (Czech Republic), Andrea Postcchini (Italy) and Artur Grumiaux (Belgium).

She won the prestigious Emily Anderson Prize of the Royal Philharmonic Society and the Eastbourne Symphony Orchestra First Prize at the Young Soloist Competition in 2022. Besides, she has received other numerous recognitions.

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