About the performer
Dragan Djordjevic

According to critics, Dragan Djordjevic is one of the most original artistic figures of his generation. He was nicknamed Suzuki owing to the famous method of the same name that helped him in his first musical steps. After studying in Serbia, he went to London to the Guildhall School for Music and Drama in the class of Prof. Stefan Popov and completed his specialization in Essen under Prof. Jan Chang Cho. He became a recipient of a prestigious honorary diploma in Germany. As a very young musician, he was simultaneously appointed as a cello professor at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade.

He trained under prominent cellists such as Mischa Maisky, Boris Pergamenschikow, David Gregorian, David Takeno, Nada Kecman, the members of Velinger, Takacs, Melos and the famous Alban Berg Quartet. With continuous work and a unique style of interpretation, he has became a laureate of theJeunesses Musicales International Competition very early on and subsequently a winner of numerous special prizesat international competitions such as Antonio Janigro andMarkneurkirchen. At the invitation of Valery Gergiev, he became a visiting solo cellist of the Mariinsky Theatre Symphony Orchesta in Saint Petersburg in 2011.

Two years later, he captivated the audience by a recital with pianist Vladimir Milošević in the same city.As a soloist and a chamber musician, he has performed in America, China, Russia, Norway, Belgium, Romania, Monaco, Corea, Austria, Germany,Great Britain, France and many other countries. He has played with notable orchestras (Bergische Symfoniker, the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, Kammer Philharmonie Amade, the Romanian Radio Chamber Orchestra,the RTS Symphony Orchestra, the Bamber Chamber Orchestra and many other ensembles throughout the region).

He has cooperated with artists such as Julian Rachlin, Itamar Golan, Emil Tabakov, Manuel Hernandez-Silva, Clemens Schuldt, Tan Dun, Denis Shapovalov, Roman Simović, Nemanja Radulović, Mikhail Shcherbachov, Alena Baeva, Mincho Minchev, Olga Sitkovetsky, En Shao, Leslie Howard and many others. Among numerous performances, the ones in the following festivals stand out: the City of London, BBC Proms, d’Аuvers - sur - Oise, George Enesco and SionValais.

He has played in all most notable events in the region (BEMUS, Ohrid Summer, Ravanelius,KotorArt, NOMUS, Cellissimo, CelloFest, CellEAST,ARLEM, Bolshoi, etc). From 2015 to 2021, Đorđević was the artistic director of the School for Musical Talents in Ćuprija. In 2019, he was appointed as the artistic director of the Ravanelius Festival of Musical Exceptionality. He is a full professor at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade. He plays on the cello by James and Henry Banks from 1797.

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